Categoria: EN

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Air Conditioning

  With the arrival of Summer the use of air conditioning becomes practically mandatory. However, exposure for hours to air conditioning can bring some health problems. The cold air dries the nasal mucosa a lot, damaging its functions of filtering, warming and humidifying the inspired air. As a result, some patients, especially those with rhinitis,...


Sudden Deafness

  It is a sudden or rapidly progressive, usually unilateral, hearing loss that can affect individuals of any age group, which must be promptly diagnosed through audiometric examination and treated as early as possible. If you think you’ve lost your hearing, look for one of our clinics as soon as possible so we can tell...


Peripheral Facial Paralysis

  Many patients seek emergency with a facial paralysis on a side of the face thinking they are having a stroke. However, most of the time these people are having peripheral facial paralysis. This consists of a transient or permanent interruption of the functioning of the facial nerve on one side of the face. They...


Do you know what is cerumen?

  The popular “ear wax” is produced by glands in the external auditory canal and its main function is to protect the ear from external microbial agents, preventing infections. Its composition is slightly acidic, which prevents the adhesion of these microorganisms in the ear. In addition, it has in its constitution some lysozyme, capable of...


speech delay

  Many children who do not have normal developmental milestones and who have a delay in language acquisition may have undiagnosed hearing loss in childhood. Therefore, parents should be attentive to the neonatal hearing screening by means of the ear test and the periodic tonal and vocal audiometry that children must undergo! It is not...



  Inclusion is an extension of the guiding axes of Otogrupo’s work. In this way, we always seek to address issues and promote actions that can bring the integration of everyone value differences. Obtaining knowledge is the best way to help! Soon, we will have a lot of news about the #MonthOfAutism.


Sore throat and acid reflux

  A very common complaint in the otolaryngologist’s office is the patient complaining of frequent throat clearing, hoarseness, chronic coughing, and eventually even a closing throat sensation. These symptoms, in most cases, are signs of reflux, which can be identified by the Video laryngoscopy examination. The treatment of this problem consists of dietary guidelines and...



  VED is an endoscopic procedure performed in the ENT (ear, Nose, Throat – Otolaryngologists) doctor’s office for those patients with frequent swallowing and choking disorders. It is performed with the assistance of a speech therapist and at this time the patient is given some food in a variety of consistencies and is filmed in...


Do you use Nasal Decongestant?

  Many patients who suffer from nasal obstruction and constant sneezing from allergic rhinitis use a nasal decongestant to relieve the feeling of clogging. However, these medications, besides being addictive, are also capable of providing a high rate of absorption and can cause cardiac and vascular problems. In case you do not want to use...


Otitis media in Babies

  Up to 50% of children will have an episode of acute otitis media in the first year of life. The problem is that babies can not describe their feelings. So, here are some tips for parents! If your child is experiencing fever, irritability, constant crying and some difficulty in sleeping, associated or not, with...

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